Monday, May 7, 2012

Is this You?

Do you feel like Cookie Monster sometimes?

 Is always "watching" what you are eating driving you nuts?

If so, it's time for a change.  Actually it's time for some age old wisdom.  Take a day off from eating.  What I mean is schedule a "cheat day."  I hate the term cheat day because if you schedule it into your eating habits it's technically not cheating.  So take a day to eat whatever you want.  This is very biblical because just like the creation stories where God rested on the 7th day, so too you need to rest.  You need to rest from the creation of you body through conscious eating and working out. We cannot go forever on 100% full throttle.  And that is precisely what is happening when you have a "diet" and you "can't cheat" and whatever else you need to call it.
In short, here's the deal:

1. For 6 days  eat nutrient dense meals:  5-6 small meals is best. However if you are only eating three follow the Rule of the King's Court
        a. Breakfast - Eat like a King
        b.  Lunch -  Eat like a Prince
        c.  Dinner -  Eat like a Pauper

2.  7th day - Eat what you like.  If you are craving that donut, go for it. Please be aware that you may not actually be craving a whole dozen of donuts though.  So pay attention to you body, and enjoy those foods that may not be as healthy as you normally eat. And let it go in your head. Tell yourself this is a part of your training and that you are actually helping yourself in the long run.

3.  Enjoy the transformation.

Until then,

Live Holyistic

Sunday, April 22, 2012

But Can you keep it Off?

That is the most common question about people wanting to lose weight. Can you keep it off. Let me tell you that I have lost 6 inches from my body mass; 12 lbs and it has been over a month since that happened. And Yes it has stayed off. Why you ask?Simple! I've changed what I have been doing. And no, it wasn't always simple to dial in exactly with what my body needs. However, with persistence and with small changes and correcting the course, I have managed to get about 2 lbs away from my initial goal. So can I keep it off. Yes. And you can do the same thing. You can change what you have been eating.You Can Change HOW MUCH you have been eating.You Can Change how much water you have been drinking.You Can Change what you put into your grocery cart.You Can Change what you choose to do after work.You Can Change what you choose to put into your mouth.You Can Change what you read about health and fitness.You Can Change!When you do Changes and see results, you will begin to dial in on what works for you. And that is the key to holistic living; finding what works for you and keep doing that to get the results you want. So Can you keep it off!YES!Until then, Live Holyistic

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Easter Phenomena

Happy Holy Week and Easter!!! Late Friday night I was able to watch The Passion of the Christ. Which got me thinking about life lessons from these last couple of days. All of life teems with dying and rising again (Paschal Mystery for those who speak church). But the lesson of Christ's passion, death and resurrection surrounds us in our daily lives. Suppose, you want to get into better shape than you have been. To make that happen something has got to happen. You need to stop doing some things (suffering and dying) and start doing other things (more suffering and dying) to the get the results (resurrection) that you want. The typical person wants to lose 20lbs. Their diet is crap, you know the Standard American Diet (SAD), which it really is. But the SAD food tastes so good... and the sedentary lifestyle feels so comfortable... Well, now the change begins... said typical person gives up the crap food, and goes through sugar, caffeine, High Fructose Corn Syrup etc withdrawl. They then put themselves into an uncomfortable situation by going to Zumba, bootcamp, or kickboxing class. This change in lifestyle is not easy. There is temptation to go back to the old lifestyle... However, trust, and a belief that a difference, a change will happen is what keeps Typical Person on track. And when they persevere to the end, and achieve their goal, they experience a resurrection. They will have a different lifestyle than the one before. There will be better food choices made, more activity in the week, and other parts of life will change as well. Because success overflows in to different areas of life. Another example can be seen in finances. Said Average Family has $10,000 in consumer debt. They decide that it is time to be debt free and start building wealth. So, they create a budget, (suffering and dying) and now refrain from certain spendings. They write that check to the Credit Card company each month paying more than the minimum to knock out that principle. The suffering of watching a big chunk of change go to the Credit Card company speaks for itself. However, with the belief and trust that they will achieve a new financial lifestyle of living within one's means, and saving for the future, they plug on. Then one day... Boom! They write their last check to the Credit Card company and suddenly.... Financial Resurrection!!!!!! A new life! So, while you are celebrating Easter and eternal life, don't forget that God has given us daily reminders of Easter through the year. So look for the mini paschal mysteries in you life and until then... Live Holyistic!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

7lbs in ONE week - Yes it's healthy!

Forget the establishment! I'm tired of the man putting my health habits down! The establishment says that losing more than 3 lbs per week is dangerous. Forget you man, I know something you do not know. I know about cleansing my body. No I am not talking about colon blow type stuff where you have to live either on or 3 seconds away from a toilet. I'm talking about a cleanse that will gently rid your body of toxins and hence flush the protective fat out with it. We wash our skin on the outside but when have you washed the inside of yourself? A cleanse might be in order for you. With all the crap in our food, air, and enviornment you need to clean your inners once in awhile. You'll be surprised at the results. So I'm down 7 pounds, and TWO weeks later, I'm holding steady at well... down 7 pounds. I'll let you know how many inches I've lost once I get measured but for now I'm happy with the results. I feel lighter, more energetic, I WANT to workout more... and I want to continue to eat healthier.

I'd be very happy to assist you if you are interested in cleansing, and if you want more info then just drop me a comment here and I'll get back to you asap. Until then,

Live Holyistic

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!!

I can't believe that it's already St. Patrick's day 2012. Driving by downtown Orlando, I was thinking about how well the businesses will do because St. Patty's Day falls on a Saturday. Which then go me thinking that there are a ton of people who actually have no clue as to what they are celebrating. All they care about is an opportunity to party. Which then brings us to another point...
Do you know WHY you do what you do? What is the MEANING behind your actions.
Having set goals at the beginning of the year and being 3 months in... most people tend to throw away those resolutions. The people who are still keeping them are connected to their WHY. They know WHY they have these goals. They know WHY they want to achieve whatever it is they want to achieve.
SO! If you have fallen off the New Year's bandwagon, and your resolutions have gone bye bye, then get in touch with your WHY WHY! It is never too late to rediscover the true meaning of your actions and why you want to accomplish your goals.

Once you do, you will feel an inner connectedness that brings you closer to Holyistic living!

Until next time... Live holyistic

Friday, October 7, 2011

F-ing Scale! Change your Language

It's been awhile and I'm not sure I was missed. But what the heck, Let's go for it.

Any BTW, F-ing means Freaking for all you mind in the gutter people.

So what the heck. I've been busy dialing in my eating and dialing in my exercise. One thing that I've discovered is that I tend to be a slave to the scale. And to be honest, the scale lies. More accurately, the scale never does tell the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. It tells partial truth.
The problem is that we the people think that the scale is the almighty authority on our fitness levels and on our physical well being.

I've learned in the time away that I need to get off the Mother loving scale.

I've decided that I will be more specific in my body sculpting goals, and I have. I now longer want to lose weight. I want to lose bodyfat.

Now I am measuring bodyfat. There are many ways to do that, so just message me if you need help. But for now your goal is to reduce bodyfat and lower your bodyfat %.
If you focus on that, I guarentee that you will have the physique that you want.

Case in point. About 3 years ago, I was the exact same weight I am today. The only difference was that I was a tub of goo. Jelly roll was my middle name.

Today I weigh the same, however, the amount of lean muscle mass that is on my body compared to back then is vastly different. I'll take the me of today.

So, instead of talking about how much you weigh, talk about your bodyfat %.
If you need help figuring out your BF% give me a message and I'll be more than happy to help.

When you choose to change how you measure your physical success, you will notice that you will feel better about yourself and you will be more accurate in your self assesment.

until then.... Live Holyistically!

Monday, May 30, 2011

What the *&%$ have I been eating?

Crap food. That is what you have been eating. That is up until now. Now you are going to change what you have habitually been doing and start getting those weight loss results you want.

I know that sounds like a motivation speech. And it is... but... there is truth in that.

When helping people with their "get in shape" goals, the toughest part for your clients was the journaling of their food intake. Interestingly enough, those what were faithful to the writing process, were the one's who had the best results.

The process of writing it out give you an objective view of your food intake. You then are able to make better choices and changes where needed.

However, I found that most of my clients fell into the "I've been bad syndrome" and are embarrassed to write out what they have actually put into their mouths.

There is something therapeutic about looking at ourselves objectively in neither condemnation nor adulation.

So, to start getting the results you want: Write it down. Be scientific, not judgemental, not critical but rather just observational. Once you achieve this, you will see much better choices and results in your holyistic journey.

If you need accountability coaching just email me:

For now,

Live Holyistic